July 23, 2009


First I just wanna say that I am horrible at updating this mother, so it is my new goal to keep you all posted more often!

I moved to Cedar City on May 22nd & instantly fell in love with everything about it! I belong here! My apartment is on top/3rd floor so we had to practicly hike to move me in. Let me just tell you that i almost had a heart attack (I know sad. Can you say go running Taylor?!! I think so.) My mom came to help me that day and thank goodness she did, but when she left later that day it hit me "Oh my gosh Im on my own now, all grown up!" I was excited but scared all at once. Luckily I had a lot to keep me busy with my room & later I went to the Institute Dance with friends & Denny's later! It was a blast but I cant even begin to tell you how exhausted I was! The next day was Saturday & I was headed off to Magna, Utah to visit my family! I was there for about a week and then came home the next weekend only to be heading to Duck Creek for the Yates' Family Reunion, which was a blast might i say! We had a lot of fun sitting out on the deck chatting and making dirty jokes and playing volleyball in the rain was the best part!

I started school at Evan's Hairstyling School on June 9th! I have to admit I was a nervous wreck but not the only one. We learn a lot in such little time and my awesome teachers make our long classes interesting & fun! I have been going to Evan's almost two months and am already on the floor doing the public's hair! Its crazy how fast we learned everything and it still is hard to remember everything but i enjoy it & feel like this is something I could have as a career no matter what turns my life takes! I have made a lot of friends and have grown as a person in such little time its crazy!

Now that I have also lived on my own for two months I have to say its really hard sometimes to be without my family. Especially when i wanna kill my nasty roommate! Seriously though...she's moving out, thank gosh!! I will never take for granted all the little things my mom did for me while i lived there and I appreciate all the help she still gives me when Im freakin out and dont know what to do. My dads have also helped me out so much especially financially and I love them for that!

So that's kinda what's been goin on in my life! Im at school alllll day & then I come home & cause trouble in Cedar with my friends! (Kaytlin & I sneak out our door and shoot people in the parking lot with our water guns, its awesome!)

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