August 27, 2008


I have always collected quotes throughout my life. They inspire me and make me think deeper about things I'm going through in life. My favorite quote is "Become Who You Want to Marry". I heard this from E.F.Y. two years ago during a devotional. It's such a powerful message in only 6 words.

Funny how when your in the dating ages and you expect boys/girls you like to have certain qualities and characteristics physically, mentally, spiritually, and about their personality. But do you ever sit back and wonder if you have developed these qualities?? I know for me I want to be the the best person i can be for my husband and if i expect him to be a certain why I should make sure that I am striving for those same characteristics. This whole thing could very well only make sense in my head. What I'm trying to say is for example, if you want your eternal companion to be physically fit and healthy you should make sure that you are physically fit and healthy.
Becoming who you want to marry can ensure two things:
1. You will become a better person improving yourself.
2. You will also attract the guy(s) that have the qualities, characteristics, etc. you want by improving those about yourself. Example: By becoming physically fit you might per say go to the gym and guys there will notice your drive and motivation to become that way and want to get to know you..who knows he could be mr. right?!

This quote has helped me so much especially at the age im at. Im 18, not looking for mr. right but i am going through a lot of changes physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. and I found it beneficial to write down all my qualities i want in my future husband and each day i strive to embrace those qualities that are on the list that i have not developed yet.

I hope one human gets something from this..or even share your favorite quotes!

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

well arent u the intense blogger?
this was good. we've already talked about this before, all the qualities and stuff.
yeah, that quote really was good.
it hit u good. ahaah i remember when they said it, u were like "woah..yeah!" and u just looked at me all shocked. hahhaha.. i was just like, ok, ur weird. but ur right. we should become who we would want to marry. its hypocritical to want someone that is "perfect" in our eyes, if we cant achieve the same "perfection" ourselves. so i agree. be who u wanna marry.